Who, What, Where, When, Why magazines for literacy?

At MagazineLiteracy.org, we love to celebrate the amazing work being done at the literacy agencies that help us to get the magazines you love into the hands, hearts, and homesContinueContinue reading “Who, What, Where, When, Why magazines for literacy?”

Getting back to reading basics to rebuild a prosperous society

We have all heard “give a person a fish and you feed them for a day… teach them to fish and you feed them for life.” I say, “first youContinueContinue reading “Getting back to reading basics to rebuild a prosperous society”

Literacy is a matter of life and death

This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Northwestern University. Low Literacy Equals Early Death Sentence CHICAGO — Not being able to read doesn’t just make itContinueContinue reading “Literacy is a matter of life and death”

Kindergarten KinderHarvest Coast to Coast

We now have two kindergarten teachers, Ron in San Francisco and Katie in Boston, organizing KinderHarvest efforts with or for their students, giving us coast to coast activity and representingContinueContinue reading “Kindergarten KinderHarvest Coast to Coast”

Dream things that never were and say why not

I was recently asked if the Magazine Publishers Family Literacy Project was a person, who would it be? I choose Robert Kennedy whose inspiration is a driving force for generationsContinueContinue reading “Dream things that never were and say why not”

The Three R's of Literacy – Read, Recycle, & Reuse

Near Earth Day, 2006, MagazineLiteracy.org launched KinderHarvest, an effort that combines the three R’s of education – reading, writing, and arithmetic – with the three R’s of recycling – reduce,ContinueContinue reading “The Three R's of Literacy – Read, Recycle, & Reuse”

Why Johnny's mom and dad can't read

More than 85 million adults in the U.S. have low or very low literacy skills. These adults were once children who did not get the chance to learn how toContinueContinue reading “Why Johnny's mom and dad can't read”

Why Johnny (Still) Can't Read

According to Edutopia, even as books take a back seat to technology, reading is more important than ever in an increasingly complicated, information-rich world. Basic literacy no longer suffices. InContinueContinue reading “Why Johnny (Still) Can't Read”

Census Bureau Report Reveals Need to Increase Awareness on the Value of Reading to Infants and Toddlers

According to LiteracyNews.com, new figures on how often family members read to their children ages 1 to 5 underscore the importance of expanding early childhood literacy awareness among families andContinueContinue reading “Census Bureau Report Reveals Need to Increase Awareness on the Value of Reading to Infants and Toddlers”

A child hungry to read is a child lost

“I wanna go to school so bad. I wanna read,” Ivan said excitedly on the first day of school. ABC News: Waiting on the World to Change View this compellingContinueContinue reading “A child hungry to read is a child lost”

Teachers of Grades K-12 Spend $475 of Their Own Money on Classroom Materials and Supplies Each Year

According to LiteracyNews.com, Teachers of grades K-12 spend on average $475 of their own money on classroom materials and supplies annually, with elementary school teachers spending a significantly higher amount

KinderHarvest – magazines and groceries come together to feed kids hungry to read

When you think of magazines and groceries, the first thing that might come to mind are those celebrities looking out at you from the magazine rack in the supermarket checkoutContinueContinue reading “KinderHarvest – magazines and groceries come together to feed kids hungry to read”

Stacie J. Makes TIME For Kids at PS 242 in Harlem

Stacie J., a successful entrepreneur, fashion model, and actor, who appeared on Donald Trump’s The Apprentice TV show, today joined with teachers and 4th grade students in the after-school programContinueContinue reading “Stacie J. Makes TIME For Kids at PS 242 in Harlem”

Breaking the Cycle of Illiteracy

Illiteracy easily crosses from one generation to the next. Children raised in homes where parents and other family members have poor reading skills are less likely to have the readingContinueContinue reading “Breaking the Cycle of Illiteracy”

Why Johnny Can't Surf

Children experience enormous intellectual growth in their early years. The ability to read is mission critical to learning any and every school subject. Children need to read well to doContinueContinue reading “Why Johnny Can't Surf”