These 1st – 4th Graders are College Bound

Magazine and comic book readers are enthusiasts about the titles that they read, which reflect the active interests that they are passionate about. This is why inserting magazines and comicsContinueContinue reading “These 1st – 4th Graders are College Bound”

Who, What, Where, When, Why magazines for literacy?

At, we love to celebrate the amazing work being done at the literacy agencies that help us to get the magazines you love into the hands, hearts, and homesContinueContinue reading “Who, What, Where, When, Why magazines for literacy?”

If you love your magazines, set them free… trendsetting consumers share their magazine collections with less fortunate neighbors

One of the great joys of being involved with a project like, because it is an ongoing, national, magazine industry-wide literacy campaign for children and families, is that itContinueContinue reading “If you love your magazines, set them free… trendsetting consumers share their magazine collections with less fortunate neighbors”

Kindergarten KinderHarvest Coast to Coast

We now have two kindergarten teachers, Ron in San Francisco and Katie in Boston, organizing KinderHarvest efforts with or for their students, giving us coast to coast activity and representingContinueContinue reading “Kindergarten KinderHarvest Coast to Coast”

Dream things that never were and say why not

I was recently asked if the Magazine Publishers Family Literacy Project was a person, who would it be? I choose Robert Kennedy whose inspiration is a driving force for generationsContinueContinue reading “Dream things that never were and say why not”

The Three R's of Literacy – Read, Recycle, & Reuse

Near Earth Day, 2006, launched KinderHarvest, an effort that combines the three R’s of education – reading, writing, and arithmetic – with the three R’s of recycling – reduce,ContinueContinue reading “The Three R's of Literacy – Read, Recycle, & Reuse”

KinderHarvest – magazines and groceries come together to feed kids hungry to read

When you think of magazines and groceries, the first thing that might come to mind are those celebrities looking out at you from the magazine rack in the supermarket checkoutContinueContinue reading “KinderHarvest – magazines and groceries come together to feed kids hungry to read”

Stacie J. Makes TIME For Kids at PS 242 in Harlem

Stacie J., a successful entrepreneur, fashion model, and actor, who appeared on Donald Trump’s The Apprentice TV show, today joined with teachers and 4th grade students in the after-school programContinueContinue reading “Stacie J. Makes TIME For Kids at PS 242 in Harlem”

Industry rallies around

We were so pleased to be invited to the Folio:Show in New York City this week where we showcased to thousands of magazine industry stakeholders. It truly takes anContinueContinue reading “Industry rallies around”

A magazine lover on why magazines matter

Link – These are emotionally charged times for the magazine industry, a period of much hand-wringing over the future of the medium as it faces the threats of the internetContinueContinue reading “A magazine lover on why magazines matter”